'Data' is the Latin plural form of 'datum'. data在拉丁文中是datum的复数形式。
This noun appears in the singular form, never in the plural form. 这个单词只有单数形式,没有复数形式。
Ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek. 古希腊语中有双数形式,但在现代希腊语中已同复数形式合并在一起了。
Use the trademark only as an adjective, never as a noun or verb and never in the plural or possessive form. 请仅将商标用作形容词,不要将其用作名词或动词,也不要以复数或所有格形式使用。
The meanings shall be applied whether the singular or the plural form of the term is used. 该术语无论是单独使用还是联合使用时,该意思都应适用。
How to form the Plural Form of nouns? 名词变成复数时有哪几种变化形式?
Lurmen is both the plural and singular form of the species name. 在英语里,这个种族名称的单复数形式相同。
B: Can we use money in its plural form? B:我们能不能把money这个词用作复数?
In this Contract, the masculine form includes the feminine form and the singular form includes the plural form, and vice versa. 在本合同中所使用的男性称谓也包括女性,单数也包括复数,反之亦然。
Give the plural form of this noun. 给出这个名词的复数形式。
In contrast, the attempt by her guardians to stop her doing this ( a common enough occurrence) is hardly a multicultural move, since it wants to keep the cultures separate in ( what can be called) a plural monocultural form. 相反,如果她的监护人阻止她这样做(这种事时常发生),就很难算作多元文化行为,因为这是想以(姑且称作)复数的单一文化(pluralmonocultural)形式使各种文化保持分离。
The focus are: ( 1) a relationship between the singular number and plural number form of dialect pronoun; 研究主要集中在以下几个方面:一、关于方言代词单、复数及其形式关系的探讨;
There it is used in the plural form to designate the condition of being without the true God. 因此,它是用的是复数形式,在指定的条件没有被真正的上帝。
Many, especially those in general use, now only have a regular English plural form. 其中很多词,特别是常用词,现在只有合乎英语规则的复数形式。
Nukus is the plural form of` noqai ( dog) 'in Mongolian language but it indicated "wolf" in the tale. 因为,“捏古思”是蒙古语noqai(犬)的复数形态,在传说里是代指“狼”。
At the bottom of the cline," men "has the grammatical meaning of plural, and has the complete and independent phonetic form. 这一斜坡可以分为三个阶段:最底层是们有完整的语音形式,表示复数语法意义;
This paper is to study the calibration of the plural sensitivity of hydrophone using laser Doppler vibrometer technology in the frequency range form ten kilohertz to hundred kilohertz, and take steps to make the uncertainty of calibration in the stipulation scope. 本论文研究的内容就是在10~100kHz频率范围内,利用激光多普勒测振技术校准水听器的复数灵敏度,并采耳义相应的措施使校准的不确定度控制在规定范围内,满足实际使用要求。
The paper will investigate its general representation, characteristics, revolutionary quality and innovation of its plural text form. 本文将考察它的多元混杂文本形式的具体表现、特征及其革命性与创新性。
Where an act is composed of more than one harmful element, concurrence of harmful behaviors, or plural perpetrating acts occur. ( 2) the value of form. 当一个自然行为蕴含多个危害行为的意义时,构成多个危害行为的竞合,其实质是危害行为的复数。2、自然的行为理论。
The creation of this plural mixing text form cannot be separated from postmodernism text viewpoint and Calvino's personal literature stand. 这种多元混杂文本形式的创造与后现代文本观以及卡尔维诺个人的文学立场密不可分。
The plural mixing text form is generally represented in the following: ( 1) The boundaries between the independent components: author, text, reader, in the traditional literature are broken. These components are mixed as part of the text in the fiction. 这种多元混杂性具体表现在:(1)传统文学中独立分离互不干涉的作者、文本、读者这几个层面的界限打破,它们都作为文本混杂在小说中;
The enterprise of foreign affairs for youth thus must meet such a change, further serve youth's interest needs, and strengthen the international exchange between youth groups. Meanwhile, the project of human resource development should also be multi-leveled and plural in form. 青年外事工作必须顺应这一变化,进一步服务于青年利益需求,加大开展青年国际交流活动的力度,实施多层次、多形式的青年人力资源开发项目。
Various kinds of acting on power technology have not submitted to a principle selected strictly but one plural sex disseminate and principle of transplantation of experience of form. 各种作用于性的权力技术没有屈从于一个严格挑选的原则,而是服从于一个多元形式的性经验的散播和移植的原则。
Overall multiple acts crime is characteristic of plural acts, but in the form of the Interior has presented a feature of multiple. 复合行为犯罪在整体上属于单纯的一罪,而在其构成行为的内部又呈现复数性的特征。
The markedness is defined by the presence of the morphological makers of nouns, i.e. the plural form& s or the indefinite article a/ an. 有标记是指名物化的名词形态标记:表示复数形式的-s或表示单数意义的不定冠词a/an。
Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable. Uncountable nouns even can be countable or in plural form. 有些名词既可以用作可数名词也可以用作不可数名词,甚至一些不可数名词也可以用作可数名词或以复数形式出现。
In the selected ten American presidential speeches, the author conducts a detailed analysis of the frequently appeared first person plural form, hedges and euphemisms as these three linguistic strategies are means to achieve pragmatic empathy. 在本文选取的十篇美国总统演讲词中,作者对其中频繁出现的第一人称复数、模糊语及委婉语做了详尽的分析,因为这三种语言策略是实现语用移情的手段和方法。
This part demonstrates the general analysis of and comparison between Korean and Chinese in Word Meaning Characteristics and usage on the basis of distinguishing the singular form and plural form of first personal pronouns. 在区分韩汉语第一人称代词的单数与复数形式的基础上,对韩汉语意义特点与用法进行全面的分析与对比。
That is the plural form of crime is implemented as a precondition for the establishment, as achieved by an act constitutes a crime, or the result of several acts, it is the partition problem between Imaginative Joinder and Implicated. 即以复数犯罪构成被实现作为成立的前提条件,至于所实现的犯罪构成是由一行为还是由数行为所致,则是想象竞合犯和牵连犯的划分问题。
It is an effective way at the certain stage for the city to make a single center to plural ones and form a harmonious city to solve traffic problems. 单中心大城市向多中心城市发展,最终形成和谐的城市组群,是城市化发展到一定阶段解决城市交通问题的有效手段。